24 February 2024
Immediate release
Army chief’s ‘prewar generation’ call reflects dystopian nature of British foreign policy
General Sir Patrick Sanders’ call for the return of conscription and his description of the British people as being a “prewar generation” that must be prepared to fight a war against Russia underlines the dystopian nature of the increasingly aggressive foreign policy being pursued by the UK government, the Stop the War Coalition has warned.
His speech today at the Twickenham Stadium arms fair reflects a growing attempt by this country’s establishment to militarise British society, the anti-war group says.
Chris Nineham, StWC’s vice chair said:
“Gen Sir Patrick Sanders’ view that ordinary citizens would need to reinforce the UK’s small military, alongside his complaints about cuts in military spending, reflects growing attempts by the British establishment to militarise British society. They want to increase military spending at home while pursuing a more and more aggressive foreign policy abroad.
“The fact is that the military budget is already being increased by nearly 2.5 per cent – money being spent not on defence but on wars of aggression, including a proxy war on Russia and opening a new front against Yemen.
“The idea of dragooning ordinary people into these wars is utterly reprehensible and underlines the dystopian nature of the increasingly aggressive foreign policy being pursued by this government.
“While we continue to campaign for a ceasefire in Palestine and against the attacks on Yemen, we must also oppose and resist all attempts to mobilise this country for more wars abroad.”