Support peace. Stop the war

Help us stand against war, injustice, and oppression


In this extremely dangerous situation, we are asking all our groups and activists to step up their campaigning

The misery of the war in Ukraine looks like being prolonged and the risks of terrifying escalation are growing. As US Congress agrees an enormous $40 billion military and aid package to Ukraine, the West is talking up the risk of nuclear confrontation and talking down the possibilities of peace. Senior Ukrainian sources reported that Johnson’s message to Zelensky on his recent visit to Kiev was ‘no negotiations are possible.’ Yesterday US intelligence announced that they ‘do not see a viable negotiating path forward, at least in the short term’.

At our many stalls, protests and public meetings we are getting growing support across the country. There is a widening understanding that the West is fighting a proxy war. We need to build on this and turn opinion into an effective movement.

In this extremely dangerous situation, we are asking all our groups to step up their campaigning.

We are asking all our groups to organise a local protest on the International Day of Action on 25 June.

An Action Plan in Every Area

In the run up this we need to be broadening and deepening the movement everywhere. We ask every group to put together an action plan including:

– Stalls every weekend to build for 25 June, leafleting, collecting signatures and building a local base of activists.

– A public meeting/rally if you haven’t held one, a follow up meeting if you have.

– A systematic campaign to get our resolution passed in trades councils and trade union branches.

– Banner drops and stunts.

– Cultural events – music nights, spoken word events, film screenings etc.

There is a wide range of people and organisations who can help build a Stop the War group, including trade unionists and trades councils, peace movement activists, local churches and mosques, Labour Party activists, Momentum groups, environmental campaigners etc. Please make sure you approach all of these as you organise the campaign.

Campaign Timetable

– This Sat 14 May: Please help us distribute material about the war at the Free Palestine demonstration in London. From midday onwards at the BBC.

– Sat 21 May: Support the demonstration at Lakenheath against the re-deployment of nuclear missiles.

– Thurs 26 May: London public rally, 6.30pm, Hamilton House. Details TBA shortly.

– Mon 13 June: Protest against Blair’s Knighthood, 1pm, Windsor.

– Sat 18 June: Build and join the anti-war bloc on the TUC cost of living demonstration.

– Sat 25 June: International Day of Action to coincide with NATO summit. Organise protests and actions in your area.

11 May 2022 by Stop the War