On 12 November, Remembrance Sunday, four more British servicemen were killed in Iraq and three seriously wounded. The deaths of Lee Hopkins, Sharron Elliott, Ben Nowak and Jason Hylton bring the number of British fatalities to 125. They are tragic and entirely unnecessary.

There is no reason for British troops to remain in Iraq. The people of Iraq do not want them there (71% want them to leave), the people of Britain do not want them there (61% want the troops withdrawn by the end of the year) and the troops themselves do not want to be there (last year 10,000 left the British armed services largely because of the Iraq war and 72% of US troops say the war should end in 2006).

The troops remain in Iraq solely to bolster the vanity of our Prime Minister and because of the cowardice of those MPs who refuse to articulate the wishes of their constituents. We ask all those MPs who opposed an inquiry into the Iraq war to reconsider their opposition – especially in the light of Tony Blair’s decision to give evidence to an US led inquiry.

Stop the War calls for the immediate return of British forces from Iraq.

12 Nov 2006

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