Resolution 1)
Conference reaffirms its condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and urges an immediate ceasefire followed by the withdrawal of the Russian military.
It notes the view of Ukrainian President Zelensky that there is a NATO camp who “don’t mind a long war because it would mean exhausting Russia, even if this means the demise of Ukraine and comes at the cost of Ukrainian lives.” That is the camp Boris Johnson has placed the British government in. We demand that the British government instead plays a supportive role in negotiations to end the conflict and achieve a peace settlement, rather than trying to prolong the war, including by pouring in arms.
There is evidence of war crimes being committed and we urge that all such evidence is independently investigated and that those responsible are held accountable.
Conference believes that this war is rooted in the expansion of NATO eastwards since 1991, and in a struggle between NATO/US and Russia for control of Ukraine. Beyond that it reflects contradictions within Ukraine itself, which can only be resolved by the Ukrainian people. These factors cannot however justify the Russian invasion.
We reaffirm our opposition to NATO expansion in Europe and its aggressive role in recent wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya. We denounce the hypocrisy of British politicians who supported these wars and the aggression against Iraq, despite their illegality and the vast death and destruction they caused. We oppose any escalation over Ukraine, including by a non-fly zone.
The decision by NATO member states to send more weapons, including offensive ones, into Ukraine can only further escalate a dangerous situation. A new security plan for Europe, including nuclear disarmament and a return to arms control treaties, is needed. We are opposed to a new arms race and to the global escalation of tension and the formation of military blocs.
Sanctions should be rolled back as part of any settlement. The war’s economic consequences are deeply damaging for ordinary people already facing a cost-of-living crisis (and in the Global South above all), and tackling this rather than increased defence spending should be the priority.
We express our support for all those bravely campaigning for peace in Ukraine and Russia. We condemn the arrest of anti-war campaigners and the suppression of critical media in Russia, and the banning of political parties in Ukraine.
Conference condemns the attacks on Stop the War by Keir Starmer and some of his supporters, for whom this tragedy has merely been an opportunity to attack the left and supporters of an independent foreign policy.
Conference reaffirms Stop the War’s opposition to imperialism, and recognises its over-riding responsibility to oppose and campaign against the policies of successive bellicose British governments, which have caused such suffering over the course of this century.
- Stop the War Coalition Officers
Resolution 2)
The war in Ukraine is currently our central campaigning issue. The situation in Ukraine is unpredictable but there is unfortunately every chance it will be a long war.
However long it lasts, and whatever the outcome, the war will increase international tensions, militarisation and the threat of further wars.
The movement has responded swiftly and effectively with a series of national and international events and a growing number of local protests, demonstrations, meetings, teach-ins and street stalls. Thousands have signed our initial letter and subsequent petition, hundreds have joined Stop the War. A new layer of activists is becoming involved in the movement.
Our position of opposing both the Russian invasion and NATOs past and present actions has found significant support in the labour movement and beyond.
The response from the trade union movement has been mixed, but a number of unions including the NEU, FBU and Unison have adopted strong positions in line with our arguments.
Despite attacks on Stop the War, we are in a position to build a significant and growing campaign against the war that will lay the basis for a stronger movement.
Conference resolves to make this happen by all groups pursuing the following programme of action:
Regular street events including stalls, protests and demonstrations to ensure our position on the war is high profile, that we are engaging and debating with the public, and that we build up a new layer of activists and supporters around us.
Regular meetings, teach ins and rallies – in person where possible and representing the breadth of the movement – to help to inform and educate people in-depth about the situation. A special emphasis to be put on arranging meetings in universities and colleges.
Activists in every area to try to get our position adopted in trades unions and trades councils and to get those groups to affiliate and be involved with the movement.
Setting up new Stop the War groups and drawing new people onto the organising committee of established groups.
Campaigning over our government’s involvement in other conflicts and theatres including the Saudi-led war on Yemen and the ongoing Cold War with China. The recruitment campaign to be taken up by local groups.
- Stop the War Coalition Officers
Resolution 3)
US nuclear weapons coming back to Britain
News that US nuclear weapons may already be back in Britain, at RAF/USAF Lakenheath in East Anglia, makes Britain once again a forward nuclear base for the US in Europe. The bombs are assigned to NATO. 110 US free-fall B61 nuclear bombs were removed from Lakenheath in 2008, following sustained protest at the base by CND and the Lakenheath Action Group. Their return will increase global tensions and put Britain on the front line in a NATO/Russia war.
The news was revealed by expert Hans Kristiansen after scrutinising a recent US Department of Defence document, which added the UK to the list of European sites in line for infrastructure investment for storing “special weapons within secure sites and facilities”. Special weapons mean nuclear weapons and the DoD has cited the need to improve NATO infrastructure within alliance territories, in the context of increasing tension with Russia and the current escalating war.
Reports of nuclear exercises at Lakenheath increase the likelihood that nuclear weapons are already back, or are on their way; the base currently hosts F-15E fighter-bombers with nuclear capability but these are being replaced by the new nuclear-capable F-35A Lightning. The first F-35As arrived in December 2021. Within the next year US/NATO nuclear bases in Europe will also receive the new B61-12 guided nuclear bomb.
Conference believes: that the return of US nuclear weapons to Britain and the upgrading of its nuclear weapons across Europe constitutes a further undermining of prospects for global peace. The US is the only country to locate its nuclear weapons outside its own borders and this major increase in NATO’s capacity to wage nuclear war in Europe is dangerously destabilising.
Conference agrees: to oppose the siting of US nuclear weapons in Britain, to campaign to ensure their removal, and to support CND to work to that end, including supporting the 21 May protest at Lakenheath.
Proposed: Kate Hudson
Seconded: Lindsey German
Resolution 6)
Stop Punishing the Afghan People – Stop the Sanctions on Afghanistan
The war in Afghanistan led by US/UK for the last two decades is not over unless there is full withdrawal of all punitive economic and political actions against the country. Punishing the Talibans no matter how bad they are only really punishes the innocent women, children and men of that unfortunate country. The people of Afghanistan has suffered a century of warfare from three super empires starting with the British and each time they have fought back and liberated their country.
Stop the War against Afghanistan!
Proposed: Suheil Shahryar
Seconder: Mark Smith
Resolution 7)
This AGM notes
- The Saudi led invasion of Yemen has now gone on for close to eight years. It has entailed one of the most intense and prolonged bombing campaigns in modern history and a draconian blockade which has caused widespread famine.
- The UN and human rights organisations have condemned its targeting of civilians and also the blockade of the country. A report by the UN estimated that 377,000 individuals had died due to the war by the end of 2021, with a majority of these being children under five.
- Technicians who maintain Saudi jets whilst working for UK arms companies (which supply roughly half their planes) have told journalists their air force would be inoperable without UK support. The former CIA station chief in Riyadh and Obama’s adviser on the Middle East has said that the war could be stopped overnight with one phone call from the leaders of Britain and America.
- Boris Johnson and other ministers have never stopped meeting with officials from the countries prosecuting this war and justifying their actions. They have not publicly condemned them and instead have worked to put Saudi Arabia on the UN human rights council.
- The UK has played a key role in keeping the royal families of the gulf dictatorships in power. The government has armed their internal security forces and trained their intelligence agencies.
This AGM believes
- That Britain is significantly responsible for the resulting deaths of civilians in this conflict.
- That the government’s claim to be upholding a ‘rules based international order’ is shown to be disingenuous as they are keeping the gulf dictatorships in power and supporting them as they oppress their own people and brutalise their neighbours.
- That Britain’s own refugee policy has been inconsistent. Whilst there has been a heartening welcome for Ukrainian refugees a tiny fraction of the millions of people displaced from Yemen have been granted asylum in the UK.
This AGM resolves
- To campaign to end UK weapon sales, training, intelligence sharing and diplomatic support for all countries at war with Yemen.
- To advocate the opening of Britain’s borders to refugees from Yemen and other countries that UK foreign policy has harmed.
- To collaborate with the Yemeni and Arab community in our campaigning.
- Greater Manchester Stop the War
Newly Elected Steering Committee
Shelly Asquith Chair
Steve Bell Treasurer
Lindsey German Convenor
Richard Brackenbury
Jim Brann
Peter Brierley
Sam Browse
Alistair Cartwright
Ben Chacko
Ian Chamberlain
Sweta Choudhury
Jenny Clegg
Grace Cowan
Fiona Edwards
Shadia Edwards-Dashti
Sian Errington
Maryam Eslamdoust
Maya Evans
Rob Ferguson
Artin Giles
Joe Glenton
Billy Hayes
Terina Hine
Kate Hudson
Ben Jamal PSC
Shamiul Joarder Friends of Al Aqsa
Tekin Kartal Daymer
Alex Kenny
Shabbir Lakha
Tahir Latif PCS
Frances Legg
Chris Nineham
Lucy Nichols
Kevin Ovenden
Jonathan Maunders
Andrew Murray
Kevan Nelson
Judith Orr
Mostafa Rajaai
Sami Ramadani
John Rees
Bernard Regan
Jane Shallice
Tomáš Tengely-Evans
Carol Turner
Mayer Wakefield
Matthew Willgress